Vexin Français

Located 40 to 70 km away from Paris, it is a periurban area characterized by important agricultural activity and development of habitation areas, leading to two main issues: (i) the risk of rural landscapes being modified and (ii) the reuse of old buildings, houses, farms and others as dwellings or public buildings. SCORE will study local building materials and methods and their potential for replicability in BCH conservation (R&I Obj. 1 and 2). Knowledge sharing with local actors will be facilitated by the network already established by CY and PNR Vexin Français (R&I Obj3).


Community of Madrid, centre of Spain. The General Directorate for Housing and Rehabilitation (DGVR) provides funds to heritage value project for the Integrated Urban Recovery of Old Towns and Homogeneous Urban Assets. It supports more than 30 projects focused on developing rural towns from which we can select our case study. The study of some analysed cases such as Patones de Arriba allows highlighting economically and environmentally beneficial aspects of the project, analysing the conservation techniques and materials (R&I Obj.1) and the environmental impact (R&I Obj.2). The collaboration with Madrid DGVR will support knowledge sharing with local actors (R&I Obj.3).


North of Italy. In the town and its surrounding area, it is very common to find masonries, both in rural and important buildings, made of fired bricks and earthen mortars. This technique was used in Cremona since Roman times till the early decades of the 20th century. SCORE will build upon this method to develop new restoration techniques (R&I Obj.1), taking into account the environmental impact (R&I Obj.2). Partner UPV will support knowledge sharing with local actors (R&I Obj.3).


The most used material in this region for external facades, both in monuments and vernacular sites, is masonry consisting of fired clay bricks and mortar. DTU will focus on developing a new method for evaluating the condition of fired clay bricks (R&I G.2) which will deliver an estimate of the remaining life of the material and ensure better use of resources by keeping the materials the building for as long as possible (R&I Obj.2). Local case studies are used to demonstrate the new method’s efficiency and for knowledge sharing (R&I Obj.3).

Aeolian Archipelago

SW of Italy, UNESCO World Heritage and NATURA 2000. It is one of the most widely studied and monitored volcanic sites in the world. Today’s landscape of the Aeolian Islands is characterized by the presence of agricultural dry-stone walling terraces, mostly abandoned, and typical white modular dwellings on the waterfront and hillside. This site offers great opportunities for SCORE (CNR-ISAC) to develop innovative conservation methods (R&I Obj.1) which take into account specific environmental constraints (R&I Obj.2) and which will be shared with local Italian stakeholders (R&I Obj.3).

Périllos Tusson

The abandoned village of Périllos, SE of France, restored by the Terre de Pierre association, offers an ideal framework for implementing traditional masonry in a Mediterranean environment. The village of Tusson, W of France, preserved by the Club Marpen association, employs traditional masonry and lime rendering. REMPART members pay high attention to the preservation of ancient building know-how, the use of a minimum of water, of local materials as well as the reuse of materials. SCORE will analyse the methods employed (R&I Obj.1) in light of climatic conditions (R&I Obj.2) in order to develop new restoration methods that will be implemented by the local stakeholders (R&I Obj.3).


Chichen Itza

A World Heritage site (850-1200 CE), it is the most representative archaeological site in Yucatán (Mexico) with two different architectural styles (Puuc and Toltec) and characterized by the presence of impressive iconographic representations carved in limestone, stucco plasters and polychrome finishes. In order to prevent the loss of architectural surfaces, SCORE will experiment innovative conservation methodologies and materials compatible with the original substrates (R&I Obj.1) and respect the local constraints (R&I Obj.2). Partner INAH will ensure the transfer of knowledge to the local stakeholders (R&I Obj.3).

Campeche Oxpemul

Archaeological site located at centre of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, it has numerous structures and stelae with hieroglyphic texts carved on limestone blocks and pre-Hispanic quarries. The changing environment generates particular conditions that allow the action of microorganisms in the degradation of the limestone of very important historical records about the ancient communities from the Mayan Lowlands. SCORE will develop new methods involving the in-situ testing of innovative treatments to evaluate their behaviour against the action of microorganisms (R&I Obj.1-2). Partner UAC will ensure the transfer of knowledge to the local stakeholders (R&I Obj.3).