During a very busy secondment Linda participate to :
2-days course “Risk assessment and vulnerability evaluation of cultural landscapes exposed to extreme events linked to climate change”. Theory and practical sessions.
Climate change and cultural heritage at risk
Cultural landscapes and terraced landscape
Definition of risk and its components
Methodology for risk assessment
Risk Mapping tool for cultural heritage protection
Methodology for vulnerability assessment
Attended the 3-days course “Tecnicas de imagen en Ciencias del Patrimonio”, held by Dr. Oscar Genaro de Lucio Morales (LANCIC-IFUNAM). Theory and practical sessions.
Digital radiography
Hyperspectral imaging
Infrared false color
Laboratory activities: physico-mechanical, spectroscopic and analytical techniques applied on different materials constituting cultural heritage, mainly limestone samples (plane or treated with CZ or MgO nanoparticles) coming from querries located at Oxpemul.
Hardness test
Contact angle
Raman Spectroscopy
X-ray Fluorescence (XRF)
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
Technical visit at Chichén Itzá Archeological site; received by Dr. Claudia Garcia Solis, Director of the Conservation Project of Chichén Itzá and collaborator of the SCORE Project. During the visit, a tour was made in the areas where conservation work is currently taking place and measurements of surface hardness and color were made using non-destructive techniques.
Attended the 2-days Cycle of Conferences for the XXX CICORR Anniversary, introduced by the Universidad Autonoma de Campeche Rector, Dr. José Alberto Abud Flores. In this context it was held the lecture “Risk assessment and vulnerability evaluation of cultural landscapes exposed to extreme events linked to climate change: the Wachau case study (Austria, EU)”.
Attended the conference “Del Control y Prevención de la Corrosión en Casos Industriales a la Aplicación en Materiales de Interés Histórico”, held by Dr. Ricardo Orozco Cruz (Instituto de Ingegneria, Universidad Veracruzana).
Exchanged information, data and ideas about the case study of Oxpemul Archaeological site.